In Malaysia, various types of cable lugs and links are imported into the country. They are from various manufacturers from overseas and hence made according to different standards. Some of these imported cable lugs and links have been found to be sub-standard with wrong dimensions and made with recycled Copper material.
A proper tool and die is also necessary to perform a good connection. Whether it is a small or big connector, a suitable and proper crimping tool is required. There are many type of crimping tools in the market today, which includes small mechanical tools, hand operated hydraulic tools and electric or battery operated tools. In Malaysia, a small hand indent tool is used on small connectors. Bigger connectors will require a hydraulic tool with hexagon dies.

Hand Crimper
(Indent Die)

Hydraulic Crimping 16 to 240mm2 c/w Hexagon Dies

Hydraulic Crimping 50 to 400mm2 c/w Hexagon Dies

Hydraulic Crimping 120 to 630mm2 c/w Hexagon Dies

Hydraulic Hand Pump
It is important to choose the right tools to requirement. Choosing a tool which can crimp from 1.5mm2 to 1000mm2 is not practical due to its weight, size and cost. The correct way is to select a small hand tool for 1.5 to 10mm2 connectors, a mid range hydraulic tool for 16mm2 to 240mm2 connectors and a big hydraulic tool for connectors up to 630mm2. For big connectors, such as 300mm2 or larger, an electric pump is strongly recommended so that it is easier for the installer. It is also important to make sure that the installer crimps the connectors according to instructions.
The problem arises when various tools are imported into the country without considering the suitability of its dies to match with the connectors. A good connection cannot be achieved without a matching die. For example, a German tool with dies cannot be used to achieve a good crimp with connectors from a different standard. Therefore a matching die is more important than the tool.
There is also a disconnect where cable connector manufacturers usually do not produce or offer matching crimping tools and vice versa, tools manufacturers do not sell cable connectors. The result is often mismatched of cable connectors and crimping tool/dies since the two items originate from different sources and even countries.
To overcome this problem, a standard is required as reference for the connectors’ dimension and material. There is currently no International Standards for the dimension and material of connectors. However, some countries as listed below have adopted their own national standards to control and regulate the Copper connectors used in its respective countries.

For Malaysia, the Department of Standards Malaysia has developed and published a series of Malaysian Standards to standardize the dimension and material of cable connectors.

MS 1540:2015
Crimp type Cable Lugs for use with Copper conductors in LV applications

MS 1779:2005
Crimp type Cable Links for use with Copper conductors in LV applications

MS 2584:2014
Crimp type Copper Aluminium Bi-metal Lugs for use with Aluminium conductors in applications up to 36 kV

MS 2654:2015
Crimping type Hexagon Dies for Cable Lugs, Cable Links and the Rounding Dies for Sector Cables – Installation method and specification for the materials, marking and dimensions
With the development and publication of these Malaysian Standards, it would be easier for owners, engineers, contractors and end-users to specify the right cable connectors for their requirements and ensure that the connectors are crimped with matching tools and dies.